Category: Uncategorized
Dare to dream: My Christmas wish list
Indeed, I’ve kept up this tradition of posting my Christmas wish list every year since I started this blog. But as I’ve grown older, wiser, and busier, I try to drop any unnecessary tasks from my life that seem like a chore. So when writing this blog entry began to feel like a chore in…
Homemade chocolate peanut butter cups with fleur de sel
If you don’t like Reese’s peanut butter cups, well, there’s not much more for me to say to you except, you might want to surf around on my older posts and come back later… If you’re still reading, apologies for the pic. It’s from my smartphone. I really should have taken a better pic with…
Introducing Baby H
You may have noticed my holiday-time baking has slowed down this year – but it’s for a good reason. It’s because of the latest addition to our family… Baby H was born on November 7 at 2:22 p.m., weighing 7 pounds 15 ounces, and measuring 20 inches long. Unlike his older brother, he arrived after…
Announcing the winner of the cookbook giveaway
And the winner of the SNOG Healthy Treats cookbook giveaway is…. (Can I get a virtual drumroll please?) Reader Amy from Sherwood Park, Alberta. (Amy, check your email inbox or a request for your mailing address!) She wrote “I like the welcome baby cupcakes- great idea I am going to use at the next…
Fancy a Snog? Blogiversary cookbook giveaway!
It’s been three years since I published my first post on this blog, and I can hardly believe it. In the three years since I launched Caramels, Bonbons et Chocolats, I’ve moved house, had a baby, improved my photography skills, returned to work, launched an Etsy shop for cupcake decorations with my sister, shed 60 pounds…
National Delurking Day
Hello, readers! Are you a lurker? Do you read my blog without leaving a comment? Do you pop in to check on me without saying hello? Now’s your chance to come out of hiding and tell me more about yourself… It’s National Delurking Day! (Please, leave a comment even if you see this post any…
Happy second blog-iversary to me
It’s been two years since I wrote my first post. I’ll be honest, I never really thought I’d last two years. After all, so much has changed in my life. We’ve moved to a larger home (with more kitchen counter space and more room for my appliances and gadgets) and my son is almost…
Whimsical watermelon pops
If, like me, you are starting to pull your cable-knit sweaters out of storage, and wearing thick socks to bed, you must also be feeling winter is just around the corner. I know, I know, summer isn’t officially over. Yet the imminent chill of winter is palpable.I am dog-earing pumpkin recipes, and reaching more often for…
Mixed berry cobbler
As soon as we got the keys to our new home, and I inherited more counter space, I bought a wok and a slow cooker. I haven’t used the wok once. I use the slow cooker about four times a week. It’s saved my sanity. It’s not just about stews and soups, people. I’ve…
On-the-run lunches for new moms
When I was getting ready to go on maternity leave, my male friends and co-workers joked it would be like a vacation. Some seasoned moms suggested it would be the ideal time to really explore my passions – read in the park, go on lunch dates, bake my heart out. I thought it might…