Dare to dream: My Christmas wish list

A selection of truffles from my favourite chocolate shop.
A selection of truffles from my favourite chocolate shop.
Indeed, I’ve kept up this tradition of posting my Christmas wish list every year since I started this blog. But as I’ve grown older, wiser, and busier, I try to drop any unnecessary tasks from my life that seem like a chore.

So when writing this blog entry began to feel like a chore in my mind, I decided to keep it simple and present it to you in Pinterest form. So here it is: My dare-to-dream Christmas wish list for 2014. My husband asked what was on my wish list this year, and for the first time, I didn’t really have anything on my mind. So I dug a little deep and let my imagination run away with me ….

In the hopes that you will be inspired to dream a little, perhaps make your own wish list, or to cross a few items off your list for those hard-to-please foodie types… here is my dare-to-dream wish list.

Then again, don’t let me stop you if you want to put a smile on my face.

Really, you can’t go wrong with a box of truffles from Swiss-Master Chocolatier as seen in the top image there, just saying…

What’s on your wish list?





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