You might have noticed I have had a sudden flurry of blogs. There are a few reasons for this: my eldest is in kindergarten now so I have a few hours (okay 2) where I am only dealing with one kid; the holidays are fast approaching and baking is synonymous with the holiday season in my mind; I will be returning to work soon and I don’t want my blog posts to pile up even more than they have now.
With my maternity leave coming to an end, I am reminded that a dear friend’s maternity leave is also coming to an end. We were pregnant together and I was thrilled to make some cupcakes for her welcome baby party several months ago. She is one of my nearest and dearest friends; I’ve known her since we were 6 and I hope our kids will grow up together too!
I decorated these welcome baby girl cupcakes with buttercream and then melting coloured and white candy melts to make the roses, rattles, and yellow duckies. I have two boys so I love to amp up the pink girly girl factor whenever I get a chance. What do you think?
Here are some other welcome baby cupcakes I’ve made in the past, check them out here and here.
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