Category: desserts

  • Homemade Samoa cookies

    Homemade Samoa cookies

    I’m tired, way too tired, to get creative here so I’ll cut to the chase: Shortbread crust, caramel, coconut, chocolate. Need to know more? I didn’t think so. These are Samoa cookies, also known as the cookies I will never make again. While the idea of rolling out cookies and letting your kids use cookie…

  • Candy cane heart cupcake toppers

    Candy cane heart cupcake toppers

    You know those teeny candy canes that you never seem to know what to do with? I always seem to have hundreds lying around. If you don’t trim your tree with them, or eat a few every day for the month of December, they just end up in the trash. I decided to put them…

  • Skinny strawberry shortbread trifle

    Skinny strawberry shortbread trifle

    Well, hello, hello, hello. A colleague asked me the other day if I was still baking… and I had to confess that I hadn’t really baked very much since I returned to work from maternity leave in January. With a 4.5 year old and a 1.5 year old, I’m not quite at the point where…

  • Cinnamon rice-pudding with cherry compote

    Cinnamon rice-pudding with cherry compote

    It all began with a recipe for Ottolenghi’s chocolate-dipped florentines I saw on another blog. My curiosity was piqued and I first purchased the Jerusalem cookbook, in which Yotam Ottolenghi teams up with his friend and co-owner of his restaurants, Sami Tamim. The flavours in that book are very, very familiar to me. As the…

  • Nutella banana loaf

    Nutella banana loaf

    Following the Weight Watchers program really underscored my weaknesses: Cake, chocolate, cookies. Dense, moist, chewy, gooey, calorie-packed, carbohydrate-embracing yummy stuff. Sometimes I would overcome my cravings by allowing myself to have just a little bit everyday, other days I would experiment making Weight Watchers versions of sweets, but they never quite hit the spot. Until…

  • No-bake chocolate, macadamia and fig slices

    No-bake chocolate, macadamia and fig slices

    Sometimes I want something a bit fudgey, dense, with a lot of bite. A cookie won’t do, a brownie is much too sweet. Cake, too fluffy. Something where I can taste the cocoa and the dark chocolate and really let the flavours develop long after I’ve swallowed. These chocolate, macadamia and fig slices fit the…

  • Welcome baby girl cupcakes

    Welcome baby girl cupcakes

    You might have noticed I have had a sudden flurry of blogs. There are a few reasons for this: my eldest is in kindergarten now so I have a few hours (okay 2) where I am only dealing with one kid; the holidays are fast approaching and baking is synonymous with the holiday season in…

  • Homemade chocolate peanut butter cups with fleur de sel

    Homemade chocolate peanut butter cups with fleur de sel

    If you don’t like Reese’s peanut butter cups, well, there’s not much more for me to say to you except, you might want to surf around on my older posts and come back later… If you’re still reading, apologies for the pic. It’s from my smartphone. I really should have taken a better pic with…

  • Pumpkin chocolate chip cookie pie

    Pumpkin chocolate chip cookie pie

    I’m seriously kicking myself right now because I just tossed the last bit of pumpkin puree I had in my refrigerator because I have zero energy to cook or bake anything right now. And then I found this old blog post I’d been meaning to write up…. Indeed, ’tis the season for my ever-recurring bronchitis…

  • Pretty posies and vintage tea cups: My birthday tea party

    Pretty posies and vintage tea cups: My birthday tea party

    About five years ago, I wandered into an antique shop and picked up a couple of lovely china tea cups. At the time, we were living in a townhouse and had no extra room for any tchotchkes, so I put them back. But I thought about them day after day until one day I returned…