If you’re like me, you’ve already made your list for your Christmas baking. You may even have started to put some in the freezer for later this year.
And if you’re really like me, you can’t help but keep your eyes peeled for new recipes that might strike your fancy.
If you’ve already made your list, you may want to make room for one more – this pavlova wreath. Not only does it have a lovely presentation, you can make the meringue in advance. Even better, you can even make the sugared cranberries in advance. Just don’t rush yourself when it is time to make it. You can find the recipe here.
Word of warning: If you’ve never made a meringue before, you may want to try your hand at it before taking this as your contribution to a holiday party or if it’s meant to be show-stopping dessert at a multi-course meal. If it doesn’t work out, or if you rush yourself, or if it’s simply too humid where you live, you may be let down. And you don’t want to be panicked at the last minute.
None However, sometimes when I’m making a meringue, I give granulated sugar a bit of a whizzzzz in my food processor to make it finer and easier to work with. Also, consider using the egg whites that come in a carton for a smoother consistency. That was a trick I picked up from a French pastry class and I feel less wasteful than when I’m wondering what to do with all the leftover yolks.
Would I make this again?
I certainly would, likely as my contribution for a potluck as it holds up well, and no one ever thinks to bring a homemade pavlova meringue. It’s a nice, light – albeit sugary – addition to a sweet table. And lovely presentation too.
Five stars out of five. Not only was this a breeze to make, I was able to make it in steps ahead of time. Lovely presentation too, am I right?
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