Category: Wish list
Dare to dream: My Christmas wish list
I do this every year, but coming up with my Christmas wish list was inordinately harder this time. In a matter of mere weeks, we’ll be welcoming our second baby and most of my shopping lists have centred on baby-related products. That said, I wouldn’t scoff at a gift certificate to my favourite gourmet…
Dare to dream: Christmas wish list
Preparing my Christmas wish list has been inordinately easier than in past years because I’ve been keeping track on Pinterest and Etsy. In keeping with tradition in years past, this post will only touch on the food-related items on my Christmas wish list. But you can find the whole thing here. And while you’re at it,…
Dare to Dream: My Christmas wish list
The older I get, the harder it becomes to make a wish list. Am I the only one? Namely because if I want something, I buy it. And if something is beyond my reach, I usually put it out of my head. Still, there are some things that I still dream about, because to purchase them…
My Christmas wish list
One year ago at this time, I was a busy working woman who planned outings to luxury hotels for afternoon tea, regularly attended baking and cooking classes, and planned my meals on a week-to-week basis.These days, I consider myself to be more of a human pacifier who plans one-handed meals that can be eaten without…
Dare I dream? My Christmas wish list
If money was no object, if time was limitless, if I had my own butler to cater to my every whim, my Christmas wish list would look something like this. But one can dream. Should any of you deign to cross any of the following off my list, however, don’t let me stop you. …