Tag: Weight Watchers

  • Skinnytaste’s Coconut Panna Cotta

    Skinnytaste’s Coconut Panna Cotta

    I spend a lot of time looking for Weight Watchers-friendly recipes, but I often draw the line at desserts. After all, that’s why I’m a believer in Weight Watchers, I have whatever I want, but smaller portions. After all, what is a dessert without butter and sugar? Fruit for dessert? Blasphemy! Sorbet? Blyach. Still, the…

  • Skinny strawberry shortbread trifle

    Skinny strawberry shortbread trifle

    Well, hello, hello, hello. A colleague asked me the other day if I was still baking… and I had to confess that I hadn’t really baked very much since I returned to work from maternity leave in January. With a 4.5 year old and a 1.5 year old, I’m not quite at the point where…

  • Nutella banana loaf

    Nutella banana loaf

    Following the Weight Watchers program really underscored my weaknesses: Cake, chocolate, cookies. Dense, moist, chewy, gooey, calorie-packed, carbohydrate-embracing yummy stuff. Sometimes I would overcome my cravings by allowing myself to have just a little bit everyday, other days I would experiment making Weight Watchers versions of sweets, but they never quite hit the spot. Until…