Category: ice cream

  • Cinnamon kulfi

    Cinnamon kulfi

      I’m doing a bit of housecleaning here, and that includes getting around to blog posts that have been collecting dust for months. Yes, months. I took this photo months ago before I got my DSLR and it’s quite obvious, isn’t it? Still, it’s worth revisiting because with the summer fast approaching, you’ll want to…

  • Barefoot Contessa’s Ice Cream Bombe

    Barefoot Contessa’s Ice Cream Bombe

      I promised myself I’d tackle one of Martha Stewart’s ice cream bombes this summer, a rather delicate, precious one called a “raspberry pavlova bombe” that involves placing dozens of delicate raspberries inside a bowl. Yes, well, as much as I’d love to do that, I thought I’d start with something less ambitious. And so…