Category: gift ideas
Dare I dream? My Christmas wish list
If money was no object, if time was limitless, if I had my own butler to cater to my every whim, my Christmas wish list would look something like this. But one can dream. Should any of you deign to cross any of the following off my list, however, don’t let me stop you. …
Top 5 treats you can make, and what not to share!
Handmade gifts are a heartfelt way to pass on the sentiments of the season, especially when they’re edible. And best of all — they’re budget friendly. Cater to the culinary cravings of your friends by reading my story about’s top five edible gift ideas for the holidays. Find out more in’s annual holiday…
Red-and-green speckled Christmas salt
This year for Christmas I am making baskets. I’ll be writing a story about it for my employer, so I’ll link to that once I am done.In the meantime, though, check out one of my basket items. There’s something about these mini jars of salt that makes me want to break into song (“What…